Sunday, December 4, 2016

An amazing day on the Antarctica Peninsula!

Fun times last night talking with our new friends Andrew and Silkie from Germany – what a lovely couple and they love to travel too.  Unfortunately, we missed an Emperor Penguin last night at 3:15am – some passengers were still up and got some photos of it sitting on an iceberg.

Woke up to a beautiful Saturday morning - incredibly calm water and beautiful blue skies as we approached one of the most beautiful places on Earth, Brown Bluff.  This was our first continental landing for this trip and our second landing at this wonderful place.  (this is where the baby Gentoo penguin sat on my lap :^) ) Some of the Gentoo babies had already hatched so we had the pleasure of seeing very young babies in the nests with their parents.  We sat for at least an hour just watching the Adelie Penguins walk back and forth along the water’s edge. This is definitely my happy place!

After lunch we sailed through the beautiful Antarctic Sound heading North – huge spectacular tabular icebergs were all around us, lots of pancake ice that the Ortelius had no problem getting through.  It is very difficult to explain the beauty of this place.  Just incredible!

This afternoon we continued sailing North toward Gourdin Island where we did a very long zodiac tour with a short landing on the island.  The zodiac tour took us through the gigantic tabular icebergs, they were over 300 feet tall.  We saw Adellie, Gentoo and Chinstrap penguins on our afternoon tour and a couple of seals.  A penguin proposing in the water is one of the cutest things you will ever see – it is truly impossible not to smile!

We love Antarctica!

The gang plank to get off the ship into the zodiacs is a little scary for someone who is afraid of heights, like me.  But I did it so I could go see the penguins.

The expedition team brought a chunk of iceberg that is absolutely clear ice – they claim it is perfect for drinks – so Charlotte the bartender is making drinks with it tonight!  I’m having a Jack Daniels with iceberg rocks!

Fun Fact: 
  • coordinates of my favorite place “Brown Bluff” S 63 30’ & W 56 52’
Casualty Report 
  • nothing to report today, no issues with zodiacs, helicopters or us

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