Thursday, December 1, 2016

We made it to the Weddell Sea – WooHoo!

Well, we didn’t get up for the Sunrise – luckily we did see the beautiful Sunrise over the Antarctic Sound on our last trip.  We were up at 5:30am to get ready for our turn at the practice helicopter operations.  Winds are very strong this morning, so the helicopters were kept in the hanger instead of out on the helipad. 

After four days at sea we made to the Weddell Sea!  This morning we made it to Copper Island!  This was definitely a huge step closer to the Emperor Penguins.  The satellite images show that our path is open and we are now headed to Snow Hill!  Fingers crossed that these good conditions hold and the helicopters are able to fly today.

Conditions were good and we made it to Snow Hill, this as far South as our Expedition team has made it in several years.  The ship “parks” by running into the ice – it is something to see!  As we were approaching Snow Hill we saw our first two Emperor Penguins!  It was too windy to fly, so they got out the zodiacs and we all went for a boat ride. (it was nice to see that the expedition staff was as excited as the guests) As we were getting close to the Emperors the ice came in fast and trapped all 10 zodiacs.  6 zodiacs were able to make it out (we were on one that made it out) the other 4 were trapped for almost two hours.  The ship had to break through the ice for them so they could get out.  It was crazy how fast the conditions changed!  With all the safety drills that we went through the last four days, they forgot to mention that the zodiacs could get stuck in the ice.

This afternoon winds calmed – The expedition leaders went out with the helicopter pilots to observe conditions:  Good news: the penguin colony is larger than they have seen in the past – the bad news: the ice conditions are not good, too dangerous for an ice landing. They started scenic flights to go see the colony.  What an incredible experience flying over Antarctica in a helicopter.  We saw the penguin colony and the baby Emperors… too far away to get good pictures.

Fun Facts:

  • Antarctica is the driest continent
  • There is a part of Antarctica that has no snow because the wind blows so hard

Casualty Report:

  • I feel like I am getting sick, hopefully it is just a little cold and I can fight it off – or at least until we head back across Drakes Passage
  • But we still have two iPhones

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