Sunday, November 27, 2016

Today we board the Ortelius!

Our motion sick patches are on… although after reading all the side effects we were not sure we wanted them on.  Better safe than sorry… Drakes Passage is in our future… gulp!

This will be our home for the next 11 days: The Ortelius – a reinforced ice-breaker!  She is a tiny little expedition ship, 100 passengers, but she looks very sturdy!  The passengers that got off the ship said Drakes was lovely… could it be lovely for two more days??

We had a lovely walk around town this morning, easily clocked more than 10,000 steps.  Since it is Sunday most of the shops are closed.  Streets look very different this morning.

The air is so dry here that it feels like we swallowed cotton balls.  Today it rained a bit and this afternoon at 4:00 winds are supposed to pick up – just as about the time we set sail.  We have a long journey through the Beagle Channel before hitting Drakes Passage.  I’m hoping to sleep through the night and skip part of Drakes Passage. 

Ushuaia Fun Facts:
  • Located on the Tierra del Fuego (land or fire) archipelago, the southernmost tip of South America nicknamed the “End of the World” 
  • On December 29, 2009, the first same-sex couple to marry in Latin America were married in Ushuaia. 
  • Same sex marriage became legal nationwide in Argentina a few months later, on July 15, 2010
  • Ortelius ship info we are in cabin #515
  • over 60,000 people currently live in Ushuaia

Casualty Report:
  • Still have two working iPhones

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